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7th World Congress of Cochlear Implantation in Emerging Countries: A Gathering in Istanbul New


The 7th World Congress of Cochlear Implantation in Emerging Countries, held from September 14-16, 2023, in Istanbul, Turkey, marked a significant event in the field of auditory medical technology. This congress, organized under the leadership of Professor Levent Sennaroglu M.D., aimed to address the unique challenges and advancements in cochlear implantation within nations where resources might be limited, yet the need for such interventions is profound.

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Why Istanbul?

Istanbul was not chosen as the venue by chance. Known for its historical depth and being a bridge between continents, the city symbolizes a connection between different worlds—apt for a gathering that aims to bridge the gap in medical technology between developed and emerging nations. The Istanbul Congress Center, with its modern facilities, provided an ideal backdrop for professionals from various countries to converge, discuss, and learn.

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Professor Levent Sennaroglu M.D. on cistanbul2023.com writes “The reason we prefer to make the meeting in Istanbul is that there are direct flights from many countries all over the world enabling many people to travel without connecting flights. In addition, being the capital of three empires in the past, Istanbul offers a rich history, as well as being a picturesque city. It is also the meeting point of east and west where the experience of the developed world will be shared with emerging nations.”

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Themes and Discussions

The congress delved into numerous critical topics:

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  • Post-Operative Management: Experts like Sailaja Timmaraju discussed red flags post cochlear implantation and solutions to ensure optimal hearing outcomes.
  • Early Outcomes and Auditory Perception: Sessions covered by Nadia Abdulhaq and Hilal Dincer focused on the importance of early intervention and how auditory perception develops post-implantation.
  • Language and Literacy: Esra Yucel and Maria Nicastri tackled the educational implications of cochlear implants, emphasizing the prevention of passive language learning and exploring reading disorders among implanted children.
  • Real Challenges in Low-Resource Settings: Sue Archbold, along with Eddie Mukaaya, Paige Stringer, and Manu Malheiros, highlighted the real-world challenges faced by families in less privileged countries, offering insights into overcoming these barriers.

Global Participation

The event wasn’t just a Eurocentric affair; it was truly global. Participants from Brazil, Africa, and various Asian countries shared their experiences, reflecting the congress’s goal of being a melting pot for ideas, challenges, and solutions from around the world.

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Significance in the Medical Community

This congress stands out for its focus on emerging nations, where the discussion isn’t just about technology but about accessibility, affordability, and post-implant support systems. By addressing these issues, the event contributes to a broader mission: making advanced auditory solutions available to those who might otherwise be left behind due to economic or infrastructural constraints.

Looking Forward

The outcomes of the discussions and presentations at the 7th World Congress are expected to influence policy-making, technological development, and educational programs related to cochlear implantation globally. The shared knowledge from Istanbul will hopefully lead to more inclusive and effective auditory rehabilitation programs worldwide.

In essence, the 7th World Congress of Cochlear Implantation in Emerging Countries in Istanbul was not just a meeting of minds but a milestone in the journey towards equalizing access to life-changing medical technology across the globe.

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