Jumat, 15/11/2024 - 11:01 WIB
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Easy Way to Install and Secure Redis on Ubuntu 20.04


Redis is an open-source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure store. You can use it as a Memcached alternative to store simple key-value pairs. Moreover, you can use it as a NoSQL database or even a message broker with the Pub-Sub pattern. Redis is written in C programming language. The Redis project is developed and maintained by a project core team and, as of 2015, is sponsored by Redis Labs .

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This tutorial will help you install the Redis server and PHP extensions on an Ubuntu 20.04 LTS system.

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Table of contents:

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Install Redis
  3. Configure Redis
  4. Install PHP Extension (Optional)
  5. Connect to Redis Server
  6. Managing the Redis Service

Step 1: Prerequisites

  • System running Ubuntu 20.04
  • Access Terminal Command line
  • Sudo or root privileges on local or remote machines

Step 2: Install Redis

Redis packages are available under the default apt repository for the installation of Redis on an Ubuntu VPS.

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Start by updating the packages to the latest version. Run the following command:

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sudo apt update

Ⓒ Hak cipta foto di atas dikembalikan sesungguhnya kepada pemilik foto

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Install Redis using the following command.

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sudo apt install redis-server

Ⓒ Hak cipta foto di atas dikembalikan sesungguhnya kepada pemilik foto

Once the installation is completed, you can check the version of Redis using the following command.

redis-server -v

Ⓒ Hak cipta foto di atas dikembalikan sesungguhnya kepada pemilik foto

Step 3: Configure Redis

Redis can start without a configuration file using a built-in default configuration. Aim to make Any extra parameter exchange, you can use ict configuration file: /etc/redis/redis.conf. Edit the Redis configuration file in a text editor to make changes:

sudo nano /etc/redis/redis.conf
Configure Memory

Update the following values ​​in the Redis configuration file. You can use its configuration file /etc/redis/redis.conf::

maxmemory 256mb
maxmemory-policy allkeys-lru

Configure supervisord

For Ubuntu, we can safely select the systemd as the supervised so that Redis can interact with your supervision tree. You can use its configuration file /etc/redis/redis.conf:

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Binding to localhost

By default, the Redis server doesn’t accept remote connections. You can connect to Redis only from (localhost) – the machine where Redis is running.

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If you are using a single server setup where the client connecting to the database is also running on the same host, you should not enable remote access. You can use its configuration file /etc/redis/redis.conf::

bind ::1

Ⓒ Hak cipta foto di atas dikembalikan sesungguhnya kepada pemilik foto

Verify redis is listening on all interfaces on port 6379. Run the following command:

ss -an | grep 6379

Ⓒ Hak cipta foto di atas dikembalikan sesungguhnya kepada pemilik foto

Configure Password

Configuring a Redis password enables one of its two built-in security features – the auth command, which requires clients to authenticate to access the database. You can use its configuration file /etc/redis/redis.conf::

Ⓒ Hak cipta foto di atas dikembalikan sesungguhnya kepada pemilik foto

Redis for the changes to take effect.

sudo systemctl restart redis-server

Step 4: Install PHP Extension (Optional)

Next, if you need to use Redis with a PHP application, you need to install Redis PHP extension on your Ubuntu system. To install the Redis PHP extension, type:

sudo apt install php-redis

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The installer will automatically enable the redis extension for all the pre-installed PHP versions. If your installer new PHP version after this, you can use the below command to help the redis module. Run the following command:

sudo phpenmod -v <Any PHP Version> -s ALL redis

Step 5: Connect to Redis Server

Redis provides redis-cli utility to connect to the Redis server. Run the following command:


Ⓒ Hak cipta foto di atas dikembalikan sesungguhnya kepada pemilik foto

Few more examples of the redis-cli command-line tool.

redis-cli info
redis-cli info stats
redis-cli info server

You can find more details about redis-cli here .

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Step 6: Managing the Redis Service

Now that you have your service up and running, let’s go over basic management commands.

To stop your service, run this command:

sudo systemctl stop redis-server

To start your service, run this command:

sudo systemctl start redis-server

To disable your service, run this command:

sudo systemctl disable redis-server

To enable your service, run this command:

sudo systemctl enable redis-server

To status your service, run this command:

sudo systemctl status redis-server

Ⓒ Hak cipta foto di atas dikembalikan sesungguhnya kepada pemilik foto

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