Selasa, 19/11/2024 - 03:37 WIB
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Tips Memilih Fitur Chatbot WhatsApp yang Tepat untuk Bisnismu

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أُولَٰئِكَ الَّذِينَ اشْتَرَوُا الْحَيَاةَ الدُّنْيَا بِالْآخِرَةِ ۖ فَلَا يُخَفَّفُ عَنْهُمُ الْعَذَابُ وَلَا هُمْ يُنصَرُونَ البقرة [86] Listen
Those are the ones who have bought the life of this world [in exchange] for the Hereafter, so the punishment will not be lightened for them, nor will they be aided. Al-Baqarah ( The Cow ) [86] Listen

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